World Landslide Forum 2023 (WLF 6), Firenze, Italy

14.-17. November 2023

GEOCHANGE Consulting e. U. hat zusammen mit CNR-IRPI (Perugia, Italien) die Session 4.5 „Rockfall data: data collection methods, analysis and use for hazard and risk assessments“ organisiert und geleitet.

The investigation of the spatial and temporal occurrence of rockfalls is an essential part in a rockfall hazard and risk assessment.

The collection of rockfall data is normally adjusted according to the research objectives and the project framework e.g., the financial and temporal constraints, project goals, and size and settings of study areas. The characteristics and quality of the resulting rockfall catalogue on volumes/ historical rockfalls depends on the:

x setting and characteristics of the study area (e.g., topography, geology, land use, forest cover);

x accuracy of the base and thematic maps;

x the methods and techniques used;

x type and availability of source(s) of information;

x time available for the investigation;

x experience of the investigators;

x available human, technological and economic resources.

Depending on the scale of investigation the individual rockfall features e.g., release area, impact points, talus slopes and single deposited boulders are represented by points, lines or polygons.

This session aims to collect and present experiences in the application of different methods to gather information on rockfalls such as:

x field mapping;

x systematic search of archives, chronicles, newspapers and technical and event reports;

x visual inspection and in-situ monitoring of rock cliffs;

x interpretation of remote sensing imagery or photogrammetry;

x rockfall dating techniques.

Furthermore, we encourage the submission and discussion of statistical methods to analyze the spatial, temporal and size information of rockfalls and of procedures to account data accuracy and representativeness and their impact on the statistical significance and uncertainty of rockfall hazard and risk assessments.
